Is American Apparel Closing?
T-Shirt Trends
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Is American Apparel Closing?

The apparel giant has undergone some major change. Learn what's happening here.

Listed below is everything that we know so far, we have high hopes there will be minimal downtime for manufacturing. Again, this is still is a developing story and we'll update when more information is known.

What happened to American Apparel?

Gildan Activewear agreed to purchase most of the remaining assets American Apparel could offer, all current inventory, the manufacturing equipment and brand identity. 

Is American Apparel Closing?

American Apparel has two different divisions, Retail and Wholesale. There wholesale products we will remain available for purchase for custom printed apparel, the retail stores will be closing.

What is Gildan Activewear going to do with American Apparel? 

From what we understand so far, Gildan will close ALL retail stores. However, while the retail stores will be closing, wholesale is still available. Gildan anticipates continuing the American Apparel wholesale products under the American Apparel name. Gildan will be relocating the manufacturing process (most likely in a southern state in the United States) and continue to manufacture the American Apparel products you love.

Can I still purchase American Apparel for my Brand/Company's Custom T-shirts?

Yes, American Apparel is still available for wholesale. While Gildan begins to transfer the manufacturing process out of American Apparel, we are anticipating some stock issues. However, Gildan is doing everything they can to have manufacturing up and running and stock minimally effected. 

Are there any other blanks similar to American Apparel I can use?

Yes, check out Bella and Canvas for similar products and styles.

Are there other American made products I can use for my custom t-shirts? 

Yes, a list of brands that have items made in America are Royal Apparel, Alternative Apparel (only some items), and Bella and Canvas (only some items). There are more, our suggestion would be stick with American Apparel until their stock is out. Once their stock runs out, make the switch to Bella and Canvas. 

If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to ask. We're here to help and will keep you updated with the latest information as soon as we know. 

In the meantime, do not wait, get started on your American Apparel custom t-shirt order today!

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